Carla Duncan (Belém - Pará) is an artist. She investigates the dialetic between restriction and possibility of the urban experience in the contemporary Amazon. Her work includes painting and murals. She received the Bank of Amazônia prize for the Cobra Norato installation, showed her work at instituições like Salão de Artes Edgar Contente, Estação Cultural de Icoaraci and Salão das Artes de Guararema. She participated in artist-in-residence programs at POPAV/SESC SP and ATO Guarulhos and made a mural for Fundação Cultural do Pará during the Art and Muralism Week at Belém/PA and a mural for NALATA Festival - São Paulo/SP.





Carla Duncan (Belém - Pará) is an artist. She investigates the dialetic between restriction and possibility of the urban experience in the contemporary Amazon. Her work includes painting and murals. She received the Bank of Amazônia prize for the Cobra Norato installation, showed her work at instituições like Salão de Artes Edgar Contente, Estação Cultural de Icoaraci and Salão das Artes de Guararema. She participated in artist-in-residence programs at POPAV/SESC SP and ATO Guarulhos and made a mural for Fundação Cultural do Pará during the Art and Muralism Week at Belém/PA and a mural for NALATA Festival - São Paulo/SP.
